Once upon a time, I was falling in love
But now, I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart

Once upon a time, there was light in my life
But now, there's only love in the dark
There's nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart

I am always in the dark..


Girl: Gillian Toh aka Retsuya
Age: 19
Schools: IJ Bukit timah, SCGS, SAJC, back to SCGS, NTU SBS
Loves God, anime, drawing, smoked salmon and brie cheese

To be fluent in Japanese by the time I get out of uni
To get a Japanese class somehow without having to spend too much
The Da Girlz to meet together again one day
To get a Wacom tablet and photoshop CS
To live right for God and His plans



mel. jenny. Esme. Viv. audrie. ARGH cell. BPYM. Sean. Chrisll. Dev. Anime merchandise. uzzy.


July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 August 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 March 2006 June 2006 November 2006 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 November 2012


Picture: Hollowland

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
12:57 PM

I seriously screwed up the bio test. The funny thing is, me and Sean said that the prokaryotic and eukaryotic comparision would not come out and then it really came out. So after the test I was scolding him and shouting "WHY on earth did I listen to you???????" moof. I really don't know what I am doing.

Oh, and I passed the small bio test by a margin. I really don't like my grades. And after yesterday's test I am going to die. Chem tmr, and geog after that, then maths next week. Oooh I hate MSAs!!!!!!!!!! Why does the principal have to come up with this kind of rubbish for us???? Or maybe its all for the best, seeing that the CGS ppl did very well last year.

well that's it... I've got 2 hrs more till SFC... wheeeeeee *blasts off*

expressing the emptiness inside me..

Friday, January 18, 2008
7:47 PM

pooped. i really don't know how I can survive the week when it is full of tests, a CIP to prepare, and C4C to do. I really need God's help to put me through this time, as He has always done. I just want to draw nearer to Him, even though it seems so hard.

I started the day by irritating everyone (ok nearly everyone) I knew with a pikachu ringtone my bro gave me, because it irritated me first and I went into a spasm trying to shut him up. Scores my vote for irritating ringtones. I think the most irritating one was the Oliver wake-up call for Ethel: We were in church camp, all the girls not sleeping (except ethel, our neighbourhood sleepyhead) Then in the middle of the night while everyone was half-sleeping, ethel's phone rang like this: Oi, wake up. Wake up! WAKE UP!!!! WAAAAAKKKKKEEEE UUPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!! in Oliver's girly sounding voice. Apparently ethel didn't hear it but we did so we were like "Ethel, wake up wake up!!!"Kept us awake the whole night. My bro downloads tons of weird ringtones from his friends who have nothing better to do.

My brother was being a bother last night because he was having trouble with surds. You know what the brain-dead boy did?? He called me on my hp using the house phone when we were just one flight of stairs from each other!!! So I picked up the phone and screamed:" Why can't you climb up the freaking stairs and call me instead of wasting phone bills????!!!!" Seriously.

Ok, gotta study bio. Two more chps to go. wheee

expressing the emptiness inside me..

Monday, January 14, 2008
7:48 PM

Retsuya is becoming crazy wahahahahaha *blows self up* *pops back*

I can't take too long on this, or my mum will kill me. Besides, I have loads of work to do. Great!!! *runs around going omonomnomnomnomnn*

yeah, I have one pile of maths papers I have no idea how to do, a gp question, and I have to hand up by tmr. Worse luck, they just had to shift the chem exam up to the 24th of Jan. Now here's my schedule for next week's milestone.

21st: GP paper
22nd: Bio paper
24th Chem paper

And I only have a week plus all the homework and whatever not. How can you not be brain dead because of all of this rubbish?????

shit my mum's back

expressing the emptiness inside me..

Saturday, January 12, 2008
5:17 PM

Oha-lucky! I'm back from 4 hrs of freaking tuition, and my brains have gone bust. Brains need to be working fast so that I can get on with Milestone studying. Oh, what's Milestone? Basically it's this new thing the principal came up with, kinda like some mock exam and we will be having it end of this month. I have 2 weeks to prepare for bio (mitosis, meiosis, cancer, eukaryotic genome, virus) and i haven't started. BOOOOOOO. And I totally mucked up the genetics test (ok, I passed, but that ONE careless mistake made me writh)

Speaking of bio, we played with genetic engineering equipment(micropipettes and e.coli) during practical. It looked fun. But then me and my lab partner were trying so hard to get the tip into the smallest micropipette. It kept slipping off, so we had to measure again and again(one tip even fell down the sink drain. I was like, oh crap, the school money has gone down the drain, pun not intended) until we got our volumes (ever seen a 1 micrometre of liquid? you can't!) I enjoyed the centrifuge though. And then I was ranting about the maths papers( Have you ever seen someone who did three maths papers on 3 sheets of paper? As in 1 exam per paper? I have. SERIOUSLY. This person must really love to save trees)

Parents' anniversary today, going somewhere fancy later. 20th anniversary!!!! Should I be glad? I'm really not sure.

Oh, and I'm not going anywhere near Spicy(cousin's dog) again. She nearly bit off my nose when I did nothing, but instead she headbutted my nose and I had doggy breath on me. LMAO. Guess she hasn't learnt to like our family.


expressing the emptiness inside me..

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
12:57 PM

Why can't school life be just like the type depicted in manga? Ok, I shan't go inot otaku stuff, but this is seriously all wrong. Ok, maybe I shouldn't be here grousing since I will be free for the next 2 hrs or so (what a crappy timetable). And just in time for the school year start there is NO late night anime, NO shonen jump, and all homework. Right, I finished most of it. Most.

retsuya would only hope that 2008 will be a time where I can commune better with God as well as with others (drat these personality problems that I have)

cho-cho-cho!!! The reason of this is just to inform others of this horrible life of a Singaporean student. Ooh I do not like the education system-cho. retsuya only wants a healthy life with few disturbances. I think all that will have to wait next year, honestly-cho. I am too addicted to catchphrases. Great my hand is hurting!!!

This is just great!!! Yana Kanji!!!!!!!!!! *blasts off*

expressing the emptiness inside me..